...a quote from Thomas Merton: "To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence."
I am convicted and intrigued by this idea. The verb "allow" is key I think. It reminds me of the other day when I was telling my daughter "You always have a choice. You can always say no." Her reply? "Nuh uh Mom! What if you're about to fall into hot lava and die?!"
Ah, the wisdom of a 9 year-old. But she kind of got the "violence" thing didn't she. I guess the idea is to stay away from the hot lava, which is what Thomas Merton is trying to say. I'm going to keep this in mind this week as I face my multitude of conflicting concerns. I've already surrendered to too many demands and committed to too many projects! (Can I get an amen sister? I know I'm not alone!) But I think I'll start saying no for a little while after this and see what happens. Because I really don't want to fall in hot lava and die! ;)
Psychologically, addiction uses up desire. It is like a psychic malignancy sucking our life energy into specific obsessions and compulsions, leaving less and less energy available for other people and other pursuits."
- Gerald May